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Welcome to the Automazione Veneto web site.
Automation Veneto was born in 1988. The head office is in Camponogara in the province of Venice (Italy).
Its business develops in these areas:
Today, the company consists of more than 100 employees, developed in this way:
The Automazione Veneto staff consists of:
Automazione Veneto operates mainly in Veneto, but in recent years had experiences in the following countries:
Today we are expanding to the east, in the Arab markets.
Please contact us through this mail address : Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
(Click over the email address or write it without "[" "]" : we put them to prevent spam. Thank You)
Automazione Veneto Srl - Soc.Unipersonale